What is the server? How many types and what is - What is server

Friends, while reading various content about technology, you must have heard the term server many times. So through today's article I will tell you what is server and how many types and what is server .

Nowadays server is a very familiar word in the internet world. If we talk a little about the internet, it somehow gets into this server.

Although we go into it, but actually many of us don't know what server is all about. As a result, many things remain unintelligible when we discuss technical matters.

In fact, a server is a computer or software that provides information to other computers, programs or devices. When you search for a website on the internet and cannot find that website, then you will understand that the server of that site is down.

For which you are not able to enter that website. So, let us know below  what server means in detail.

What is the server? (What is server)

Server means such a computer provides data and information to other computers from there.

It can also be said that the server means, Server is a software from which various requests are sent to other computers or programs through the network and the server receives and responds to each urgent request.

Computers that make requests to the server and then receive responses from the server are called clients. Basically the work of servers is to provide services to client devices or computers.

A server stores a large amount of data. Servers can operate using either of the two mediums, a local area network (LAN) or the Internet.

Example: You are now   reading my article What is Server ? For this you have to do some work, for example, open any browser with internet connection on mobile or computer and directly enter the address of this successful freelancer website.

After that within a few seconds you have seen the text in the web browser. Now the question may come to your mind, where did the text come to the browser?

The text must have been stored somewhere. Simply put, it was stored in a computer's memory. As if you say or request, the text will be shown to you from the computer.

When you click on a specific link and enter the web address, a request is sent to a computer to display the specific page from the browser. And immediately accepted your sent request and showed the text in your browser.

It was already saved on the hard drive. This computer is called server or web server . Hopefully you can easily understand what server is or what server is called .

How many types of servers?

"How many types of servers" to say that there are many types of servers. Which of these is dedicated means used only for one type of work. The operations of this server are huge and its usage is currently almost non-existent.

However, there is an opportunity to use these servers at the personal level. And the rest can be said as combined or hybrid. These are actually a collection of many dedicated servers. However, computer networks may have different types of servers.

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1. Web server

The web page or web content is basically stored in the web server . And they are shown as per user request.

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Again, in special cases, the user also gets the opportunity to upload the contents. All the servers we see on the Internet are some kind of web servers.

2. FTP server

FTP Server is used to transfer files at very high speed. Users who use broadband internet are well aware of this. 

Various big companies use this FTP server to facilitate their users to download games or movies at a very fast speed.

Especially since this server is located in a relatively close area to the users and the user can transfer files from the server much faster. As the usage of this server is low, it is mostly used for web server, identity server, email server.

3. Email server

As you may understand by the name, it is an email server. It is commonly used to exchange email information and store information or data.

You may know that each email is created by some user, so those responsible for this server do not need to add new content to the server. They only need to maintain this server.

4. Identity Server

This server is more like a database. Such servers control user log-in and security issues.

5. Database server

It is a computer system whose job is to access the data from the database and provide services by receiving them again. Here all the data or information of the website is stored in the store.

6. Application server

These servers are mainly used to run different types of applications. Here various types of software and hardware are included. As a result, various programs can run.

7. File server

File server means it is a server where various types of data and files are stored. Users can easily share files, data, information through a common network. No need to use any external storage device separately for this.

What did we learn today?

So, friends, today we know what is the server ? And about its types . How did you feel about my What is server article, please comment. And share if you like.

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